viernes, 19 de enero de 2007


Pim Quien es? who is/are? Pis? Dice quien es? says, who is/are?
Pitaq? Quien es? who is/are? Imas Dice qué es? says, what is/are?
Imam? Qué es? what is/are? Maysi Dice dónde está? says, where is/are?
Imataq? Que es? what is/are? Imaysi Dice cuándo? says, when?
Maymi? Donde esta? where is/are? Haykas Dice cuánto? says, how many?
Maytaq? donde está? where is/are? Mayqinsi Dice cuál? says, which?
Imaymi? Cuándo? when? Maychikas Dice de que tamaño? says, what large?
Imaytaq? Cuándo? when? Piraq Quién será? who will be?
Haykam? Cuanto? how much? Imaraq Qué será? what will be?
Haykataq? Cuánto? how much? Mayraq Dónde estará? where will be?
Mayqintaq? Cuál de ellos? which of them? Imayraq Cuándo será?. when will be?
Mayqinmi? Cuál de ellos? which of them? Haykaraq Cuánto será how much will be?
Maychikanmi? Qué cantidad? how many? Maychikaraq Qué cantidad será? what large will be?
Maychikataq? Qué cantidad? how many? Mayqinraq Cuál de ellos será? which of them will be?

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